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Course Description

This course is designed to give seafarers essential education and training in fire fighting and operations on board tankers (oil, chemical, or liquefied gas) to meet the knowledge, understanding and proficiency requirements set out in STCW Tables A-V/1-1-1 and A/V/1-2-1 for oil and chemical tankers and liquefied gas tanker cargo. By the end of the training, the participant will be able to carry out fire fighting operations on board tankers: • They will be able to describe typical tanker fire response and fire fighting organisation and procedures

• Identify the special hazards associated with cargo handling and transportation of hazardous and noxious liquids and liquefied gases in bulk

• Carry out the initial actions on discovering a fire

• Describe the correct fire fighting agents used to extinguish oil, chemical and liquefied gas fires

• Describe the use of fixed deck fire fighting equipment including dry powder and foam • Demonstrate as a team member use of the deck foam monitor and use of a deck dry power installation

• Demonstrate and use portable fire fighting foam equipment

• Describe spill containment in relation to fire fighting operations


Those undertaking this training must have completed Fire Prevention and Fire fighting (Section A-VI/1-2 of STCW) or be in the process of completing it or similar training acceptable to the MCA

Documents Required

  • Basic FPFF(Any Administration approved by MCA),

  • CDC

  • Passport

  • Stamp/Passport size photo in formals

  • The above certificates can be merged and uploaded on the HIMT Student Portal. 


Tanker Fire Fighting - As per MCA MNTB Guidelines
Outcome: The learner knows how to carry out fire fighting operations on board tankers
(oil, chemical, liquefied gas).
Learning objectives
1. Describe typical tanker fire response and fire fighting organization and
procedures, including:

  • Fire control plans and equipment location;

  • Team make-up and leadership;

  • PPE requirements and dressing for firefighting

  • Equipment being ready for immediate use;

  • Use of equipment within a fire team;

  • Communication methods and their limitations.

2. Identify the special hazards associated with cargo handling and transportation of
hazardous and noxious liquids and liquefied gases in bulk.
3. Carry out the initial actions on discovering a fire.
4. Describe the correct fire-fighting agents used to extinguish oil, chemical and
liquefied gas fires.
5. Describe the use of fixed deck fire-fighting equipment including dry powder and foam.
6. Demonstrate, as a team member, use of the deck foam monitor and use of a deck dry
powder installation.
7. Demonstrate and use portable fire-fighting foam equipment.
8. Describe spill containment in relation to fire-fighting operations. 

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