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Advanced Training For Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations

Course Description

This course provides specialist training for senior officers and any person with immediate responsibility for loading, discharging, care in transit or handling of bulk liquefied gas tanker cargoes. The course is also open to tanker terminal and ship management personnel, who will build on previous experience and gain a detailed appreciation of the safety aspects involved in the handling and carriage of bulk liquefied gas tanker cargoes.


- Basic Gas Tanker Certificate by any administration approved by MCA,

- MCA Approved AFF or Tanker Fire Fighting

If the candidate has TFF MCA then additionally the candidate has to hold AFF Certificate from any administration approved by MCA

Documents Required

  • Basic training for liquefied gas cargo operations Course completion Certificate by any administration approved by MCA,

  • UK MCA Approved Tanker fire fighting course completion certificate and AFF Course Completion Certificate by any administration approved by MCA (OR) UK MCA Approved AFF Certificate

  • Stamp/Passport size photo in formals,

  • The above certificates can be merged and uploaded on the HIMT Student Portal.


Batch dates are tentative depending on the minimum number of participants   

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